I appreciate many things about our church. Its doctrine is scripturally sound, the teaching is solid, our pastors are grounded and sincere, the worship is ... worship, melodic and pure, for those willing to surrender within it. While I marvel at the talent of the musicians and voices in our church, I've been ushered into worship the last few weeks by an unexpected source.
I don't know who he is or what he looks like. He's sat a couple rows behind us recently and raises his voice in the most sincere and humble manner that I follow him. He's not gifted with a good singing voice, nor is able to find the "right" key. I suspect that might bother some of the better voices around him and can understand why it would. But I've come into church the last few weeks feeling weary and tired. The busy-ness of life can sometimes take its toll and a body (me) occasionally finds it difficult to submit her heart in worship and focus solely on Him.
When this man starts softly singing and I hear his voice gradually build with adoration and fill with passion, I find my selfish cares dropping away and I follow him. He's not thinking about the quality of his voice, he's focused on the Creator of the Universe and offering what he has in praise. It's beautiful in a way I can't explain.
This man may never know how God has used him in helping to turn my heart heavenward on difficult mornings but God knows. And I know. And I am grateful.
The point of the story? Hmm...if I had to choose one, I guess it might be that next week there may be someone standing next to you, driving you nuts with his off-key, tone-deaf singing voice. Please be patient with him because God may be using that voice to lead the way for someone else. Let him sing...let him sing.
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