Random deep questions...
Am I going to have to buy a rice cooker to make unsticky rice? Brown rice isn't so bad, but when my family wants me to make white rice...ick! Is there a science to it or something?
Why am I keeping my calendar updated both on my desk and in my Blackberry? And why hasn't it occurred to me before how dumb that is?
Why does it rain on the days I plan to get outside and ready the yard for spring? Do the leaves and weeds think we've decided we like them since they're still out there?
Will I ever confess to my husband that he's been drinking decaffeinated coffee every morning for almost a year now? When will I start to feel guilty about it?
Why do I feed the cats canned food every morning when I go into the kitchen to make breakfast for my husband? It stinks and I hate washing their dishes when they're done. Will I ever decide they don't need the extra calories and that I can do without the extra work?
Why does that wild turkey hang out in our yard and chase me when I go out to get the mail? Is my crazy mail lady paying him?
And when did I decide playing Dodge the Turkey qualified for the day's exercise and quit doing anything else? Will I ever start other exercise again?
Ok, I know the answer to the last question...No. I've decided exercise is for turkeys.
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