May 5, 2008

Erma Bombeck on Worrying

"I've always worried a lot and frankly, I'm good at it:

I worry about introducing people and going blank when I get to my mother.

I worry about a shortage of ball bearings; a snake coming up through the kitchen drain.

I worry about the world ending at midnight and getting stuck with three hours on a twenty-four hour cold capsule.

I worry about getting into the Guinness World Book of Records under "Pregnancy: The Oldest Recorded Birth."

I worry what the dog thinks when he sees me coming out of the shower, that one of my children will marry an Eskimo who will set me adrift on a iceberg when I can no longer feed myself.

I worry about salesladies following me into the fitting room, oil slicks, and Carol Channing going bald.

I worry about scientists discovering someday that lettuce has been fattening all along."

~Erma Bombeck

Ok, that last one never occurred to me. Thanks, Erma.

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