May 13, 2008

From my journal - 1999

My 5-year-old daughter asked me a question last week that has given me great pause for thought: "Mommy, how old do I have to be for God to use me?"

Isn't that a great question? How old do we have to be?

As I began to explain that God doesn't look at our age but our hearts, my eyes welled with tears. I began praying for my kids' hearts to be tender spiritually from the moment I was aware I was pregnant with them. This question was fruit of that faithful prayer - a desire born within her…growing with her.

I asked her if she knew what "being used by God" meant, what things it might include. She cited great heroes of the Old Testament; “parting the Red Sea... building an ark...telling people what their dreams meant...learning to use a sling" - her ideas were clearly big ones!

I pulled my precious little girl into my lap and took her hands in mine. I lifted her hands to her ears, her eyes, her mouth...guided her hands to her legs, to her feet. "These are the parts of you God will use, honey." Then I took her hands and placed them on her heart. "And this is the place you will know when to use them."

The next day, we were in the line at the grocery store. There was an elderly man behind us, struggling to manage the armful of items for which he thought he wouldn't need a cart. "Hey, Mommy," she whispered. "I think God is telling me we should share our cart with that man."

I was so touched - she was listening for opportunities be used by Him and He was gently providing one for her. Then she continued, "But I'm not sure because I don't know any Bible stories where God used grocery carts."

Hmmm....ok, we still have a little explaining to do when we get home. ; )

At that moment, though, we offered to share our cart and invited the elderly man to step ahead of us in line.

He smiled and my daughter tasted the sweetness of having been used by God to make another’s day just a bit easier.

Father, I thank You for hearing this mom's prayer. I offer my little girl to You, as another pair of hands, feet, ears and eyes to do Your bidding. May she bring You Glory, Father.



Deborah said...

What a great way to start my day!

There is a smile on my face and in my heart...

What a beautiful lesson you taught your daughter, and what an awesome prayer ...

Thank you for sharing something so personal. I'm going to start praying that pray for my children, too. I've always prayed that they would DO God's work, but I forgot about the listening wise.

This was the best morning devotion I've had in a long time.

I just loved it...

Debbie B said...


That was a lovely devotion! I am so very glad that you are part of my board and that we are getting to truly know each other's heart.

Your posts make me laugh and cry!

May the peace of God surround this child as she begins another season of her life. May He continue to guide her mother with wisdom and love as she continues to teach and raise her daughter.

Thank you for this family.

Through Jesus, Amen