May 28, 2008


Meredith shared her 14th birthday party with a friend whose birthday is also in May. They planned the entire thing together and just gave us (moms) the list of what they needed to make it happen. Meredith has the sweetest friends. I gotta say, if I were 14, I would choose these kids as my friends, too!

The birthday girls! (Meredith is on the right)
The Guests
The Gifts
The Games - Twister!
The Chocolate Fountain
Hubby and I inflated 175 balloons
covered the den floor with them...
Note the cat in the upper right corner...
having a party of his own,
he caused a few balloon casualties,
fewer than 175 balloons by the time
we banned him from the party.

The balloons turned out to be a fun idea!
Happy, happy birthday, girls!


Debbie B said...

This looks like a wonderful party!! What great parents you are to your children.


Deborah said...

Wow!! What a beautiful, colorful party! I just loved the balloons :o)

How fun to have a chocolate fountain...I'm going to use your ideas at my house!

Your blog is so nice. I've enjoyed my visit and apologize for being away for so long...trying to find another time to do blogging besides late at night ;o)

Talk to you again soon...