May 20, 2008

Writing Challenge - #2

"If this blog entry could catch your family's undivided attention and they would take to heart what they read, what is the one thing you would want to say to them?"

Given the last few days, I think I would have to address it one almost-adult-child (who shall remain nameless), instead of my whole family and it would go something like this…

I know you’re almost 18. I know 18 is the magical age where you become an adult and heretofore locked doors swing wide as you approach. Your choices enlarge and the imposition of your boundaries changes hands from ours to yours. It’s a big deal for you. You’ll even be voting in your first presidential election this year. I get it.

But something I wish you would try to understand…

I remember the day we found out I was pregnant with you and how my hands hovered around my tummy for the next nine months. I've spent the last almost-18-years with those same hands on your shoulders. All the things you can do that will make your independence possible, your daddy and I taught you...from walking by yourself to driving your car…from keeping your word to holding a job….from managing an allowance to maintaining a budget. And, honey, we taught them to you knowing we were preparing you for your own life.

I'm sorry I’ve not yet achieved the forward-only approach to viewing your life. The past and present blur my vision of your tomorrows lately. Part of a mom's job is to be the keeper of her children's yesterdays. I just have to adapt to and hold an expanded view...I'll get there.


Instead of viewing everything we might say to somehow be an offense to your “adulthood”, perhaps you will consider indulging us as we try to catch up to you with all the changes. A little bit of patience, please? I think we've earned it.

And hugs would help. Lots of ‘em.

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